AICE Commercial Reflection questions

Name: Joshua Turk

1.   How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? 
    When I was filming my commercial, I wanted to make it seem as realistic as possible. I planned on doing it at a baseball field with great weather conditions. Unfortunately, I could not because the weather was not cooperating and the field was flooded. So I resolved to my backup plan. I filmed in a grass field area with a bit of rain. I believe it still looked good even though it would have been better if it was on an actual field.

2.  How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text?
    My project engages with the audience by showing and advertising the product to the viewers. I showed them how and what it is used for. When watching a commercial, the point of it is to advertise something and make people want to buy that product. For example, commercials such as Geico show their famous lizard speaking about insurance. I did my commercial a little bit differently but it is still advertising something.

3.   How did your production skills develop throughout this project? 
    My production skills improved because I now know how to create a script from scratch. I also know how to get props that are necessary. I can also create some sort of scenery. One thing I need to work on is my acting. I need to make it look much more believable.

4. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware, and online – in this project? 
    I integrated technologies by using my cellphone and using iMovie. For the videos themselves, I had to merge them through iMovie. I also had to trim some of them as well so that my film would not be longer than thirty seconds. For the audio I used AirPods. Airpods have a built-in microphone in them. That way the audio sounded clearer. To publish the commercial, 
I uploaded it to youtube.


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