AICE Media music video planning blog


The song that I decided to chose for my music video is "Love Me" by "Lil Tecca". When I record the plot will be a guy trying to get a girl to fall in love with him. A friend of mine will be one of the actors and another one will be recording. I will also be an actor. When I will be creating this music video all the actors will be wearing normal clothes. Clothes you would see someone wearing as an everyday outfit. We will not need many props. Most I will need will maybe be a chair or a few. I will probably use more props though.


There will not be costumes in the music video. Actors will wear an everyday outfit. Not too many people will be shown in my music video.


On 11/16/2020 I will start looking for research for my music video. I will also start thinking of a theme and plot.

On 11/17/2020 I will decide what clothes my actors will wear. I will also figure out all locations. I will also figure out an emergency back up plan.

On 11/18/2020 I will start creating my storyboard. It will contain every scene.

On 11/19/2020 I will start filming for about a week.

On 11/26/2020 I should be done filming and ready to edit.

After that, I will start creating blogs.

Backup plan: My only backup plan is if I can not be with the other actors I will have to find other people to help me create it. I will use the same song and same story. Just different actors involved.


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