AICE Media Music Video storyboard blog


First Scene-
Actor 1 is looking at his outfit in the mirror and is practicing what to say. This scene will be shot from a side angle. He will be checking himself out. He will also be making sure everything looks right.

Second Scene-
In this scene, Actor 1 is trying to tell Actor 2 how he feels about her. This scene will be a 2 shot that is shot from a close-up shot. It will show the actor's emotions up close.

Third Scene-
Actor 1 is trying to figure out why he got rejected by Actor 2 and why she doesn’t want him. This will be shot from a side view. Actor 1 will be sitting and will be upset. He will try to figure out why he is getting rejected.

Fourth Scene-
In this scene, Actor 1 is convincing himself that he is good enough for Actor 2 and encouraging himself. This scene will be a  high camera shot. This shows him gaining confidence and bettering himself.

Fifth Scene-
Actor 1 and Actor 2 talk again in this scene. Actor 1 is able to change Actor 2’s mind about him. This scene will be a close-up shot. Both actors will be talking and having no issues. 

Sixth Scene-
In this scene, Actor 1 and Actor 2 hug and it is the end. This will be shot from a close shot angle. The point of this scene is to demonstrate a happily ever after. This scene will take very little time.


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