AICE Media Music Video Reflection Questions


1.   How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? 

    I feel that the music video I created uses multiple conventions. I think it showed different camera angles based on where I was for each scene. Not too many but more than one. One convention that was not really used were some of the Mise-en-scene. These are the props, lighting, costume, hair, makeup, colors. We did not worry about these. For example, we did not have any props, we used the sun as our lighting, did not use any costumes, hair, or makeup, and did not do anything about the colors. All we had to worry about was the location. The two locations I picked were my house and a park near my house.  We also did not really use an editing routine. We just editing all the videos together. Then added music to it. It came out to be longer than one minute long. So what I did was trim some of the scenes so they were not as long. Now it is exactly one minute long.

2.  How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text?

    My project engages with the audience by creating a video based on a song the audience would enjoy. Since this music video is made for people that enjoy that song majority of the audience would be only people that like that song. The music video gives them some sort of entertainment while listening to a song they like.

3.   How did your production skills develop throughout this project? 

    My production skills improved because I had to come up with an idea of what to do for my music video. This improved my creativity skills because there are so many things that I needed to come up with. The first thing that I had to come up with was the song choice. One day I was laying in bed and pressed shuffle and that was one of the songs that I was listening to that day. I then decided that I felt that song was good for a music video so I used it to create mine. The next thing that I had to was to create a plot. That was pretty easy. I just decided to write a love plot since it was a love song. Then I had to decide on the location. I chose my house and then a park that was pretty close to my house.

4. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware, and online – in this project? 

    I integrated technologies by using my cellphone and using iMovie. I filmed the video on an iPhone. Then I proceeded to edit the video through iMovie which is an app on the iPhone. For the videos themselves, I had to merge them through iMovie. I also had to trim some of them as well so that my music video would be no longer than one minute. What I did to put the song into the video is I screen recorded the song itself, then put it as background audio through iMovie. That way the audio sounded much more clearer. After that, I downloaded the video from iMovie then saved it to my phone. I then had to publish the music video. To publish the music video I uploaded it to youtube. This part of the project was really easy. I have been doing this with every single project I have been assigned from AICE Media. The video did not take much time to upload either because of how it is only one minute long. It took about thirty seconds to upload to youtube. Thankfully youtube did not copyright it because of how I do not own the music.


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