Genre Research


    Earlier in the school year, I was assigned an Aice genre project. we were told to chose one movie genre and research it. I chose "Horror". I enjoy horror movies so that is the reason why I decided to choose this genre. In Horror films, they use different types of lighting. There are four main types of lighting used in Horror films. There are "uplighting", "spotlight", "silhouette", and "underexposure". These different lighting techniques are used to make better effects. They make the movie more dramatic for the audience. Different types of lighting would just confuse the audience. Camera angles are also used to show how dramatic the scenes are. There are four common camera angles. The camera angles are " low angle", "birds-eye", "close-ups", and "tilted angles". Again these make scenes a lot more dramatic. Different camera angles would have messed up the mood of those movies. Some famous horror movies are "It", "Friday the 13th", and "Escape room". Most horror movies use Mis-En-Scene. They use different costumes, props, and much more. Some common sounds used in a horror film are breathing, scary laughing, screaming and more. Details like these will be found in any horror films.


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