Genre Research: The Age of Adaline

      While watching the movie I began to notice many elements that the movie has to classify as a romantic movie. Not only is there the cliche romantic plot of the girl meets the guy but it also had every common technique directors normally use for romance moves. In this movie, the element that I have chosen to base off on in my final task is the high key lighting. With the high key lighting, the movie will have a bright and happy feel to it. During the movie, the elements that I liked were the props used. Most of the props were extremely important to the storyline of the movie. One important use of a prop in the movie is the car. Without the use of the car, the main character would have never stopped aging. I also liked the makeup and clothing element in this movie, because it helped the audience see the old-timey type of person Adaline is. I personally don’t have any elements from this movie that did not appeal to me. However, the lighting in some scenes was darker when it was meant to be a happy moment with bright lighting.


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