Genre Research: “The Great Gatsby”

  Genre Research: “The Great Gatsby”

This is a great romance movie. While watching it again, this time only focusing on the effects of the movie was a whole different experience. Only moments into the movie I already saw many elements to classify it as a romantic movie. Not only is there the cliche romantic plot of the girl meets the guy but every detail and element of this movie is strategically planned out in every aspect. In this movie, the music and camera shot is the element I chose to base my final project off of. The diegetic background music added into the movie helps the whole plot align. The camera shots were planned out beautifully to show the emotions and intensity of the scenes. With the lowkey lighting at times, the movie gave it a very moody and heartfelt moment to the audience. While the high key lighting also brings a more romantic feel to it all with the nature surrounding. During the movie, the elements that I liked were the outfits used on the main characters. The outfits helped me get to know the character more and helped me remember what time zone the movie was based in. The props used pulled the acting and theme of the movie altogether. One scene that wouldn’t have been the same without a prop is the ending scene, without the telephone being outside and Mr.Gatsby going to get it, the whole movie wouldn’t have been as great as it is. I personally don’t have any elements from this movie that did not appeal to me. 


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