Introduction to final project blog


 For the final project, we have been told to create an introduction to a movie. In the beginning process of this assignment, I was honestly pretty blank on what type of movie genre, I was going to produce. I had a long list of ideas. Different song choices, what genre, how to film it, and even how to purse my friends into being in it. I chose to do this project individually because unfortunately, we are still in the middle of a pandemic. I thought it would be best to stick with minimal contact. I will be planning, filming, editing, and choreographing this introduction by myself. However, I will be having a couple of my friends in the video to help pull the production altogether. After picking from multiple genres of movies. I decided to create the introduction to a romance movie. I chose this genre because not only did I need the movie to be school-appropriate. I also wanted to have fun with my friends while filming it, instead of it just being a school project. When I told my friends that I needed to create a movie introduction for my media class. They were pretty skeptical at first about being in it. However when I finally got the idea finalized in my mind and told them my ideas they were actually pretty excited and were willing to help. Since this genre could be produced in many different ways I have planned on trying to keep it simple and straight to the point. To show the real details of the movie genre and the emotions behind the actors. I have planned to dress all of the members in casual clothing with pink tones. The one part that I'm pretty nervous about in this project is not only getting the male participants to participate in the movie. But also getting the video process to go smoothly even with how clumsy we all are. Overall I'm really excited to see how all my ideas come together in this final project. 


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