AICE final project planning blog: titles

    We have created an outline now for what we need to do for our titles. Titles are extremely important due to the fact that they give credit to people. Titles do not last long. First, we decided we do not want the title to last too long. We do not want it to take too much time away from the film. Titles tell the audience who is in the film and who is directing the film. Titles can have different styles. Creativity is necessary to come up with a good title. For example, the Back To The Future title contains Michael J Fox standing with his time machine behind him. There are also many names of the actors and directors on that title. You need to be creative with your title. Nobody will enjoy a boring title. We also need to be able to edit properly. This is because we need to edit the names of the actors and directors.  We also have to edit in something that will grab the audience's attention. It will definitely have me and Anna's name. If our film contains more actors their names will be on there as well.  The title in our film should not last long at all. We need to be the creative ones since we decide what the title will be. We will use our editing skills and creativity to create a great title. 


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