
Showing posts from December, 2020

AICE Media Music Video Reflection Questions

  1.   How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues?      I feel that the music video I created uses multiple conventions. I think it showed different camera angles based on where I was for each scene. Not too many but more than one. One convention that was not really used were some of the Mise-en-scene. These are the props, lighting, costume, hair, makeup, colors. We did not worry about these. For example, we did not have any props, we used the sun as our lighting, did not use any costumes, hair, or makeup, and did not do anything about the colors. All we had to worry about was the location. The two locations I picked were my house and a park near my house.  We also did not really use an editing routine. We just editing all the videos together. Then added music to it. It came out to be longer than one minute long. So what I did was trim some of the scenes so they were not as long. Now it is exactly one minute long. 2.  How does y

AICE Media Music Video blog

      This was my first time creating a music video. I had a lot more fun with it than I thought I would. It was definitely very hard to stay serious the whole time during it. This is because I was creating this with close friends and we always find some way to laugh when we are together. We filmed this on my iPhone. Our first scene was filmed in the bathroom. It is supposed to be me practicing talking to a girl. For the rest of the scenes, we decided to do them outside. We walked to a local park near the house. We then proceeded to film the rest of the music video. The next scene is supposed to be me trying to tell this girl how I feel about her. In this scene, she rejects me. That is the end of that scene. After that the next scene is me being upset at a chair because of how I got rejected. After that, the scene is me building up the confidence to attempt to tell her how I feel again. This scene isn't for too long. The next scene is me telling her how I feel. She feels the same w

AICE Media Music Video editing blog

  I put all the scenes in the order that was in the correct way according to my storyboard blog. I then had to make sure that I had all the scenes had the correct amount of time in each scene. For example, I had to trim one video by 10 seconds to make the video only one minute long. I saw that the video was about one minute and thirty-five originally. Every scene was put into the film but due to how long they were some had to be cut short. The editing was done on my iPhone. I used the application "iMovie". "iMovie" is a free editing software.  The scene in the beginning, in front of the mirror, was cut short due to how long it was. It was maybe ten seconds. It got cut to about five seconds. Some other scenes were cut short as well. I only cut down every scene by a few seconds so that they made sense. Every single scene is at the correct time and not sped up. I made sure that I was making the right actions for my acting scenes. I made that the other actor knew what t

AICE Media Music Video: filming blog

      Yesterday on December 2, 2020, I completed my music video for my AICE Media class. I finally got two people that were available to film with me. Felt like the first everyone was free from their busy schedule. One of them was filming and the other one was acting. So we started after school around 3:30. We all met up at my house to create the music video. The next thing that we did was watch the official music video for the song that I used. After that, we watched some other videos too to get some more examples of music videos. Thankfully we did the idea that I originally had. Which was to make it a love story in the music video. We decided to film the first scene in front of a mirror. It made the lyrics sound more literal. This only took one try. It was a very simple scene and lasted about three seconds. For a few of the other scenes we decided to do them outside. It improved the lighting in our shots. The music video after cutting the scenes turned out to be exactly a minute long