
Showing posts from November, 2020

AICE Media Music Video Blog: Planning for filming day

       In this project, a friend of my own, and I will be doing the work. They are only one of my actors in the production. While I will be doing the editing and producing all on my own. During Thanksgiving break, I wanted to spend as much time as I could with my family. This is because I usually baseball and do not have much time to bond with them. I did have baseball as well but since there was no school I was able to spend more time with them. I am planning on working on my music video this week with my friend. We will be at her house for it. During Thanksgiving break, she was also out of town so it would've been impossible for me to film with her. The music video will be taken in multiple sceneries. This is because the house is fairly big. so I feel that we should use multiple parts of the house. The song I chose is "Love Me" by "Lil Tecca". That is in the rap genre. Since the song is fast-paced I also feel that multiple sceneries will make it look better. F

AICE Media Music Video storyboard blog

  First Scene- Actor 1 is looking at his outfit in the mirror and is practicing what to say. This scene will be shot from a side angle. He will be checking himself out. He will also be making sure everything looks right. Second Scene- In this scene, Actor 1 is trying to tell Actor 2 how he feels about her. This scene will be a 2 shot that is shot from a close-up shot. It will show the actor's emotions up close. Third Scene- Actor 1 is trying to figure out why he got rejected by Actor 2 and why she doesn’t want him. This will be shot from a side view. Actor 1 will be sitting and will be upset. He will try to figure out why he is getting rejected. Fourth Scene- In this scene, Actor 1 is convincing himself that he is good enough for Actor 2 and encouraging himself. This scene will be a  high camera shot. This shows him gaining confidence and bettering himself. Fifth Scene- Actor 1 and Actor 2 talk again in this scene. Actor 1 is able to change Actor 2’s mind about him. This scene will

AICE Media music video planning blog

  Props The song that I decided to chose for my music video is "Love Me" by "Lil Tecca". When I record the plot will be a guy trying to get a girl to fall in love with him. A friend of mine will be one of the actors and another one will be recording. I will also be an actor. When I will be creating this music video all the actors will be wearing normal clothes. Clothes you would see someone wearing as an everyday outfit. We will not need many props. Most I will need will maybe be a chair or a few. I will probably use more props though. Costumes There will not be costumes in the music video. Actors will wear an everyday outfit. Not too many people will be shown in my music video. Schedule On 11/16/2020 I will start looking for research for my music video. I will also start thinking of a theme and plot. On 11/17/2020 I will decide what clothes my actors will wear. I will also figure out all locations. I will also figure out an emergency back up plan. On 11/18/2020 I w

AICE music video research blog conventions

        I started off my research yesterday right after class. I decided to do this project by myself. The reasoning behind that is because I have such a tight schedule. I do not want to make it difficult for anyone. I decided to watch the actual music video to get some better ideas. I decided to do kinda like an upbeat theme. The plot is gonna be a guy trying to get a girl to start to like him. He is in love with her while she wants nothing to do with him. The guy will be trying everything to get this girl to like him. She just won't grudge. In the music video, there is not really a plot or a story. Most of it is just people dancing around. It also takes place in different areas. Areas like the beach, fair and roads are where most of the video took place. I believe when I do it it's going to mostly be inside a house. I will more than likely use a friend to help me. She would be one of the actors or camerawoman. The music video will be starting in the first verse. That is where

AICE Music Video Intro blog

      For my music video, the song I have chosen to use is "Love Me" by Lil Tecca. Love Me is a rap/hip-hop song. It was made by Lil Tecca who's songs got famous off of Soundcloud. The song is exactly 1:57 seconds. This is great because since the music video can only be one minute a lot of the song will not be cut out. I will be working by myself on this music video. I feel that it would be easier to fit into my schedule if I work by myself. I believe that I am going to try to make the music video a love story. That's because that's what the song is about. To me basically, I believe that it is Lil Tecca trying to convince a girl that he loves her and to love her back. In this song, Lil Tecca uses a lot of literal terms. This is great because it helps people understand what he is trying to speak about. It is also easier to create a music video. It's easier to come up with ideas for what to act in the music video. They will match with the song much better. I fee

AICE Commercial Reflection questions

Name: Joshua Turk 1.   How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues?       When I was filming my commercial, I wanted to make it seem as realistic as possible. I planned on doing it at a baseball field with great weather conditions. Unfortunately, I could not because the weather was not cooperating and the field was flooded. So I resolved to my backup plan. I filmed in a grass field area with a bit of rain. I believe it still looked good even though it would have been better if it was on an actual field. 2.  How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text?      My project engages with the audience by showing and advertising the product to the viewers. I showed them how and what it is used for. When watching a commercial, the point of it is to advertise something and make people want to buy that product. For example, commercials such as Geico show their famous lizard speaking about i

AICE Commercial Blog

       This was my first time creating a commercial. Rewatching my commercial I realized there are many things that I could've done better. One of them is the audio. I think the audio is not too well when someone is speaking. I used Apple Airpods for the microphone. Next time what I can do is edit the sound in. There is an option to do that through iMovie. Another thing I could do better is to wait for the weather to become better. One of the main reasons why I had to get it done in these weather conditions was because I had a baseball tournament out of town. I had to leave the very next day. Next time I will wait till the weather is bright and good. That way I will be able to use an actual field. I couldn't because of the rain because the field was messed up. We filmed this on an iPhone 11 camera. Something that I could do better is I should've recorded with some sort of professional camera. Other than that I feel that I did well. Maybe I could've improved my acting. T

AICE Editing blog

 I put all the scenes in the order that was necessary. I then had to make sure that I had all the scenes had the correct timing. For example, I had to trim one video by 3 seconds to make the video only 30 seconds long. I saw that the video was about one minute originally. All scenes were put into the film but some had to be cut short due to how the video is a maximum of 30 seconds. The editing was done on my iPhone. I used the application iMovie. The conversation scene was cut short. It was maybe three seconds. Some other scenes were cut short as well. I only cut down every scene by a few seconds. Every single scene is at the correct time and not sped up. I made sure to show everyone in my group. I made sure to show the products very well as well. We show the Wilson glove logo as were exchanging gloves and I tried to edit it so that they were easier to see. I tried to edit the microphones to sound better but I had some issues. The rain was one of the issues because you could hear that